Differences between Arrays and Linked Lists?

Both arrays and linked lists are used to store similar types of linear data, but arrays consume contiguous memory locations allocated at compile time, that is, when an array is declared, but for linked lists. Memory is allocated data as follows: Will be added to this. That is, at run time.

For example, Arrays are widely implemented as default types in most modern programming languages ​​that are used to store data of similar types. However, there are many cases where you can use other data structures, such as linked lists, if you don’t know how much data to store.


Arrays and Linked Lists

Linked List:

Arrays and Linked Lists

Differences between Arrays and Linked Lists:

Arrays and Linked Lists

Comparison between Array and Linked List:

Arrays and Linked Lists

Summarizes the strength and weakness of Array and Linked List:

Arrays and Linked Lists


In conclusion, there are many different data structures. Each data structure has its strengths and weaknesses, and it affects performance based on the task. Today, I examined two data structures, arrays and linked lists. Arrays allow random access and require less memory for each element (no space is needed for pointers), but insert / delete operations and memory allocation are inefficient. In contrast, linked lists are dynamic, which increases the complexity of insert / delete times. However, linked lists are slow to find, and pointers require additional memory for each item in the list.


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